Desert Sunset Paisley Scarf Desert Sunset Paisley Scarf

Desert Sunset Paisley Scarf


Desert Sunset Paisley Scarf

Introducing this stunning 195 x 75cm embroidered scarf, a masterpiece crafted from 100% wool. The scarf is reversable as well. In lovely red and orange tones and colours of the rainbow. It is reversible.

This exquisite piece isn't just an accessory; it's a work of art that can also be used as a beautiful wall hanging. The intricate embroidery adds a touch of elegance and charm, making it perfect for any occasion. Whether you drape it around your shoulders to elevate your outfit or hang it on your wall to add a pop of color and texture to your space, this scarf is sure to make a statement. 

Made with care and attention to detail, this scarf is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of luxury to their wardrobe or home decor.

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